Library Blog - December 1969

Chronicle of Higher Ed


You have direct access to the Chronicle of Higher Education from any location, on- or off-campus, without having to go through a proxy server.  All...

31 Days, 31 Icons!

This October is LGBT History Month 10th Anniversary, and we're celebrating!  Each day of the month you can view a 30-second bio of a chosen Icon...

Caught! Banned Books Week

Have you read a Banned Book?  What is a Banned Book?  Each year books that have been challenged or banned in libraries and schools throughout the...

The Seniors Favorite Literary Items

We were curious about what  the Class of 2015 loves in terms of literary items,  so we created a survey to find out!  We're excited to learn the range...

And the Winners are....!

We had soooo much fun watching the spine poets build their spine poems, and we felt inspired, too, by the display of thoughtfulness and creativity. ...

April is Poetry Month

We've got a Spine Poetry contest going on in the library!  Simply browse through the stacks and put together a poem using the spines of the books.  At...

February is Black History Month!

A Century of Black Life, History, and Culture is the 2015 Black History Month Theme.  This theme honors the profound importance of efforts by...

Great Guides to Explore!

Not just for Courses or Subject Resources, our LibGuides also gather useful tools and topics specific to SAS.  Want to discover all the Video...

Martin Luther King, Jr. - Inspiring Us.

On January 20th the United States recognizes Nobel Peace Prize winner Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s contributions to our nation's quest for...

No January Blues!

Izzy asked us if we could display some titles that were "not so sad," and we were delighted to try!  So on the floor this month we have Positively...

Christmas Time!

We're feeling festive! We chose some books, wrapped them up, and attached a summary of the tale. Choosing a book to read simply through a summary -...